Looking with hope to 2022
Thankfully at the end of 2021 we can report that The Duncan Hospital is seeing a drop in Covid patients. Prabhu Joseph, Hospital Director told us that the largest peak in patients was seen in May 2021 when over 280 Covid patients were admitted almost all of whom were severely ill.
It is a remarkable sign of the skills of the staff there that even in the depths of the worst waves the mortality rate of patients stayed below 20%.
At the time the hospital was struggling to provide enough oxygen and it is partly thanks to you, our marvellous DHCT supporters and our Breath of Life Campaign, that they are now much better placed to deal with any further waves of this virus.
With your support they were able to purchase, among other things, an Aero Neb Nebulizer system for the hospital’s existing ventilators; eight Intensive Care Unit beds, plus put in all the oxygen piping to beds on the first and second floors of the hospital. That is a fantastic achievement – so thank you all again.
The huge new oxygen plant arrived (supported by Boeing). It proved to be a challenge initially as it sank into the ground and then the lifting crane got stuck, however, Prabhu tells us it will be up and running soon. Other equipment purchased this year have included more O2 cylinder and a pick-up truck to transport them.
Indian society unlocked in the summer of ’21 and Prabhu explains that the local population mingled freely with almost none wearing masks or maintaining social distancing. However, the anticipated third wave did not arrive although there were spikes in neighbouring states like Kerala. He tells us that the Indian Government also stepped up its vaccination programme right across the country.
Now, as is the case worldwide, there is the threat of the new Omicron variant however, due in part to you, The Duncan is in a much stronger place should patient numbers rise again.
We wish all staff and patients at The Duncan and our DHCT supporters a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.